







SNAG-15032007-11-26.pngT1 theme是Wordpress的一个免费模版,这是一个非常专业的Tumblelog(微博客)样式模版,具备许多非常专业的功能,比如支持最新版的Wordpress Tag,可随机变换头部图片,8种默认的分类样式,导航及高度的可定制性。




2、利用WordPre.cio.us+ Del.icio.us构建链接导入功能





插件主页及安装方法:这里 Live DEMO:这里





What’s tumblelog? [via Wikipedia]

A tumblelog is a variation of a blog, that favors short-form, mixed-media posts over the longer editorial posts frequently associated with blogging. Common post formats found on tumblelogs include links, photos, quotes, dialogues, and video. Unlike blogs, this format is frequently used to share the author’s creations, discoveries, or experiences without providing a commentary.

Technorati :

From http://blog.bsdos.cn/archives/1076



[ 链接 http://www.dpdp.net/ ]




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[ 链接 http://footbig.com/ ]

我试用了下 感觉不错 速度快。。简洁。。100M。。不错。




CSS Zen Garden 一个通过基于CSS设计的可视化操作的演示。可以从列表中选择任意一个风格菜单载入到这个页面。目标在于激励,鼓舞和鼓励参与。

Web Design Inspiration 收集了大量成功的多种类型的网页设计,400多种。

Web Creme 提供了常用的最新的文雅但间接的类似博客的屏幕截图,以供网页设计者浏览。

Unmatched Style 是一个致力于为为那些做华丽网页站点的人使用层叠风格表单和网页标准的人使用的成长中的社区。

CSS Beauty 为其观众提供来自世界各地的良好设计的基于CSS的网页的数据库。

Web Design Guides:


Web Design from Scratch 为每个对设计网页有兴趣的人而创设——新手或专家。它会帮你理解什么会导致网页成功或失败,什么会增加成功的机会。

Web 2.0 How-To Design Style Guide:在这个指南中,作者描述了大量在web2.0时代的网页设计组件。并解释了其工作原理,并解释了你何时,如何使用这些组件。

Top 50 Logo Design Tutorials 提供良好的logo设计指南和有用的会帮你航行于多种链接中的屏幕截图。

51 Photoshop Text Effect Tutorials. 文本和查看文本的方式是任何设计的主要工作。如果网页看起来错误,一个好的设计就会大打折扣。任何logo几乎都全是文本。这51个指南会给你演示怎样产生你所需要的文本。

Web Design Resources:


Open Source Web Design 是一个可以自由下载网页设计模板和共享你的模板的站点。

Blue Vertigo 陈列一组令人惊讶的免费资源,从备份图片到矢量截图等等。

Browser Shots 允许你在浏览器中快速和容易的测试你的设计。可以在不同的浏览器中截图。







With Flash you can do more than just displaying videos. You can create stunning visual experience and offer your visitors incredible user interaction. Although Flash is definitely not the favourite medium for usability and accessibility advocates, it has its advantages and it empowers the Web with functionalities which make it an incredibly interactive medium. With Flash designers can achieve results which simply aren’t possible with (X)HTML and CSS.

The results can be creative, impressive, beautiful and fascinating. Under two conditions: 1) if designers find the right mixture between graphics, animation, video and sound and 2) if designers follow the guidelines of usability and user interaction.

However, since there is a number of things that can go wrong in Flash, it’s easy to get it wrong. In fact, there are thousands of examples where it is the case. In Flash any experiments with navigation and layouts are possible and in most cases it’s extremely hard to find a creative yet intuitive approach. Flash is commonly used by designers, agencies, advertisers and interactive web sites, and not on the sites where simplicity and quick access to information are important.

In this post we present 65 examples of outstanding Flash designs with excellent use of graphics, visual elements, interface design and graphics motion. This showcase (mostly) presents “pure” web designs; we’ve tried to avoid Flash-based games and advertising.

Mistake #1: Use Of Flash To Imitate (X)HTML/CSS

Flash shouldn’t be used if the designer tries to imitate (X)HTML/CSS-presentation. Long texts shouldn’t be embedded in Flash movies, because it’s harder (if possible at all) to work with the embedded text once you need to. Cubamoon is a perfect example of how this is done wrongly. The completeness of the design is enviable, its beauty irresistible, Flash-effects are stunning. However it’s really hard to work with the content of the site. Visitors can’t open links in new windows and the text can’t be selected and copied.


Flash’s strength lies in its ability to showcase unusual visual solutions, including graphic motion, videos and sound. Make use of them if you really want to achieve a stunning visual design, instead of imitating “conventional” web-presentation.

Mistake #2: Navigation Is Unintuitive

Whatever decisions developers make for the design of their navigation menus, the result has to fulfill three significant requirements: it has to be intuitive, easy-to-use and work properly. Whether the design is Flash-based or not is not that important.

Flash Screenshot

The navigation is possible with the wheel which needs to be dragged. That looks easy, but it isn’t. Where is the grey zone between usability and creativity?

Using too creative approaches designers risk to confuse or even disturb visitors. The freedom for experiments with Flash may lead to unusual solutions which aren’t necessarily understood by all visitors.

Therefore designing in Flash never assume that the navigation can be arbitrarily complex and that visitors will take time to explore it. Users don’t like to wait. And if they don’t understand how the site works they leave. This is simple. And may cost you your money and your efforts. Be willing to compromise. Use creative approaches, but always take your visitors into consideration.

Mistake #3: Pop-Ups Are Still Used

Flash Screenshot

That’s just wrong. Flash designers need to understand that pop-ups shouldn’t be used any longer. Almost every browser blocks opening windows. Tricks and convincing arguments don’t help any more. Use the screen size your visitors use. In most cases you don’t need more.


What is your favorite?

3D-Experience, Video-Effects

Flash Screenshot

3D, motion.

Flash Screenshot

Outstanding 3D-experience with informative and clear content.

Visiting the agency’s web-site you actually visit their agency. Clean images, great use of video features.

Flash Screenshot

Video motion, Multimedia, Navigation. Tell your visitors your story. Excellent portfolio site. Excellent use of Flash.

Flash Screenshot

Open up the containers to navigate. Beautiful.

Flash Screenshot

Simple, but extremely clean and calm. Showreel is just stunning.

Flash Screenshot

Impressive visual experience.

Flash Screenshot

Would you like a guided tour through this building?

Flash Screenshot

Outstanding effects with videos and camera lenses.

Flash Screenshot

Listen to what the suitcase says.

Flash Screenshot

OK, this is a shop. But what is happening here, the models are interacting.

Flash Screenshot

This is the visualization of a single by the band SWOD. It is called Waltz 57; the noise is also included in the single. Beautiful graphic motion. Built only with Flash and takes time to load. Better take a look at the video in small resolution.

Flash Screenshot

Excellent graphic motion.

Flip the book to navigate. Impressive 3D-effects.

Visual Elements

Flash Screenshot

Learn how to make a good fir
st impression.

Flash Screenshot

Crazy, interactive, unusual – creative!

Flash Screenshot

Clean and interactive presentation at its best.

Flash Screenshot

The portfolio is presented as a box of chocolates; every item can be picked, previewed and added to the lightbox for later.

Flash Screenshot

This projection screen can be set in motion.

Flash Screenshot

Follow the infinite red line (click on the screen first).

Flash Screenshot

An agency’s web-site doesn’t have to be boring. These guys seem to be hilarious.

Flash Screenshot

Portfolio designed as a… bus.

Flash Screenshot

Excellent photography and visual elements.

Flash Screenshot

The dropping down heaven. Every block is a single drop-down menu.

Flash Screenshot

The Funnel Design Group. A classic.

Clean, Clear and Simple

Flash Screenshot

Calm, peaceful, beautiful.

Flash Screenshot

Silent, but so clean and elegant.

Flash Screenshot

Calm and so beautiful. 3D-interaction in the Chromazone universe.

Flash Screenshot

Minimalistic, interesting navigation; precise and sharp.

Flash Screenshot

Minimalistic and beautiful, a portfolio.

User Interface, Navigation

Desktop in Flash. Very elegant solution.

Flash Screenshot

Navigation with colored stickers.

Flash Screenshot

Tremendous graphic design, and beautiful navigation – flashy!

Flash Screenshot

d’strict uses some kind of a bubble-lupe as site’s primary navigation. To navigate you have to drag the bubble upon the layout. And no, the design is based neither upon grids nor upon columns. Explore.

Flash Screenshot

A circular navigation.

Flash Screenshot

Click on the ribbon and it flashes right to you preloading the content you’d like to see.

Flash Screenshot

Drag & Drop navigation

Flash Screenshot

So beautiful, so elegant, so clean and interactive.

Flash Screenshot

What could it be? Well, this is an image gallery. Unusual navigation – you need to be really desperate about your navigation to come up with this method.

Flash Screenshot

Classic, navigation through CDs.

Flash Screenshot

Where is the navigation? On the right side at the top of the layout. To browse through categories you need to “switch a channel” like you would do it in your radio set. Nice idea from Switzerland.

Flash Screenshot

Moon Palace offers a quite imaginative navigation.

Flash Screenshot

Pick the category from a set of discs. Interesting navigation, and also beautiful.

Flash Screenshot

Yammat: Navigation with elastic bands.

Flash Screenshot

Another interesting concept by Limbus from France.

Flash Screenshot

Flash Screenshot

Beautiful navigation and interesting presentation. And we really love big typography.

Flash Screenshot

…we also love lemons by the way.


Flash Screenshot

Kashiwa Sato loves color palettes. Do your eyes too?

Flash Screenshot

This damn pencil can make you nervous.

Flash Screenshot

OK, this is scary. And not beautiful. But the use of visual elements on Marilyn Manson’s official web-site is… well, unusual.

Flash Screenshot

Self-portrait of a quite different art.

Flash Screenshot

HiFi Rack.

Flash Screenshot

Pixel-based Flash design created with the attention to smallest details. Unfortunately, there are sometimes too many pixels. Flash keeps the pixels alive – nice approach.

Flash Screenshot

He doesn’t exist. Monoface’s face shuffle. We simply couldn’t resist.

Flash Screenshot

Mohamed Yosry uses Flash in his own way. Not stunning, but unusual.

Flash Screenshot

Kimm Saatveldt presents his portfolio in a rather unusual way. Place the mouse in the middle of the page to navigate.

Flash Screenshot

HBO Voyeur. A classic you really need to have seen — at least once in your life.

Flash Screenshot

An unusual format for portfolio of a web design agency.

Flash Screenshot

Why not? Web-site as a newspaper.

Flash Screenshot

Flash design from the 90s. Old, but still impressive. This text editor software is actually still in use.


  1. TemplatesBox 提供不受任何限制的站点模版,很适合创作出高质量的网站设计。其实,站点模版就是让你用最少的时间做出最好的个人站点布局。
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  4. Art for the web 这是一个你可以发现免费web设计资源的地方。提供下载,还有 WordPress皮肤以及背景图片等资源。
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  6. Free Templates Online 提供了一批可以容易定制和修改使用的模版。
  7. Interspire 提供了许多站点模版,站点层次设计以及 Logo 模版,免费下载。
  8. ThemesBase 为 e107、Joomla、Mambo、Php0Fusion、phpBB、PHPNuke、vBulletin、WordPress、XOOPS提供高质量的模版。
  9. TemplateNavigator 是最大的免费和个人站点模版、免费Flash模版目录之一。
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  12. Entheos http://www.entheosweb.com/website_templates/free-dreamweaver-templates.asp
  13. Dezinehub http://www.dezinehub.com/
  14. Free-Flash-Templates http://www.free-flash-template.com/
  15. Free Photoshop Browser Templates http://www.webdesignerstoolkit.com/index.php
  16. http://www.freewebsitetemplates.com/
  17. Layouts 4Free 提供上千种 web 布局设计。
  18. http://www.opensourcetemplates.org/
  19. http://www.paintedpixels.com/graphics/index.php
  20. http://www.rickyswebtemplates.com/
  21. http://www.snakeyewebtemplates.com/free_dreamweaver_web_site_templates.asp
  22. http://www.templateperfection.com/?parent=1&sm=1
  23. http://www.templateworkz.com/website_templates.php





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